009 | What's Stopping You? Getting Over Yourself And Actually Marketing Your Biz On Social


What’s stopping you from marketing your business on social media? What’s your excuse?

Today, I'm chatting about some of the most common excuses and most gut wrenching limiting beliefs that hold ALL of us back from utilizing social media to market our business and get results.

If you want to use social media to market your business without any weird shame or fear, if you want to know that all the time and effort you’re putting into the platform is worth it, if you want to stop wondering if you’re doing something right or wrong, or worrying about if people are judging you for it, keep listening, my friend. Because I have a few things to say that I think both of us need to hear, so we can get over ourselves and actually start marketing our brands on social.

Here's a breakdown of the episode:

  • [05:29] How do we push past our fear of judgement?

  • [10:49] Is perfectionism holding you back from marketing your biz on social?

  • [13:42] How to prioritize the content you spend time on!

  • [16:20] Stopping yourself from using organization as a form of procrastination...

  • [17:02] Do you think you're wasting your time by using social media to market your biz, so you're just not doing it? Here's how to do social media better (so you're not wasting time...)

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010 | 4 Things NOT To Do When Starting Your Biz with Sophia Sunwoo


008 | Purposeful Storytelling To Build Your Brand with Michelle Knight