008 | Purposeful Storytelling To Build Your Brand with Michelle Knight


Want to know THE BEST WAY you can connect with your audience on a personal level and grow your business in an enduring way? Today, I'm chatting with branding consultant (and my personal biz coach) Michelle Knight about how telling purposeful stories can bolster your brand + work for you to sell your products and services (without being salesy!)

As a marketing strategist, Michelle teaches female entrepreneurs how to hone in on their mission + message to create a revenue-generating business that makes an impact. If you'd like to develop real relationships with your audience, so they'll not only keep coming back to buy from you over and over, but also tell the world to buy from you too, then tune in today!
Here's a breakdown of our convo:

[10:47 ] Why is storytelling so important for the success of our business?
[16:24] When & how should we share personal stories with our audience?
[22:20] What are micro-stories, and how can we gather them to share on social?
[28:31] Should we post to social media in real-time?
[35:37] Michelle shares her tips for sharing stories if you're selling products, not services...
[43:36] How should we be selling on social media?
Listen in to learn how to tell purposeful stories to promote your brand on social media, and connect with Michelle at brandmerry.com  or on Instagram @michelleknightco!

Connect with us on Instagram at @FeelGoodSocial!

Tune into our new podcast Authentic AI for Entrepreneurs!

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